sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

red horrors

A while ago I wrote about how a strong, united Left wing is needed in Portugal. Our communist party is still holding on to old dogmas, while the more recent "Bloco de Esquerda" refuses to approach them, creating a pit that difficults the struggle for a more fair and equal society. Along with these difficulties, I've recently noticed that people simply abhor Left ideologies. And also that Right and Left people turn every little subject into a war, based on their political differences.

All over the Internet rise angry comments against the "little lazy Lefties", remembering (in horror) the Soviet Union times as soon as they hear words as "fraternity", "social justice" or "welth distribution". Mention "fraternity" and you must be a mason (suddently masons are among the most hated people in Portugal); talk about "social justice", you're a Socialist (and god knows what that means, right? even Hitler was a so-called socialist); but, dear lord, if the words "welth distribution" come out of your mouth, you're a dangerous communist and you must be put down.

Of course I'm exaggerating it, but that's why I decided to abolish from this blog (and my political discussions in general) simple words as "capital", "working class", "class struggle" and such, that can be an excuse for people to immediatelly see me as a "commy". Because that's when half my readers shut their brains down and activate the "I'm not listening" strategy (yeah, I might just make some sense and they wouldn't know how to handle it).

I believe vocabulary should evolve, because the one we're using today is only good to confuse people and set off certain alarms in their minds, making it impossible to continue any rational discussion. That's why when I recently signed a new Left Wing Manifest (simply against unemployment, for a better life and equal opportunities - no, noone was looking to end the right to private property), I had two feelings: first, I identified myself with what was written and some of the people who wrote it; but then I was afraid. 

Afraid that the Left Wing "flag" would be enough for many people to turn away from this manifest. Afraid that people won't be able to see beyond the hatred they feel about past failures. Yes, communist dictatorships existed. They must never be forgotten. But do you really believe that the current Left Wing parties in Portugal have those same purposes? Ideologies, as well as people, evolve, change, aren't written in stone.

To talk about Left parties or Left ideologies should no longer mean "sound the alarm!!!", specially when the Right Wing policies are here, to be seen at plain sight in our country... there's no doubt or hope about those : they are what we see and live every day. Now, regarding true Left wing measures, like François Hollande's reducing the Government's paycheck, there is still hope... doubts, yes, but also hope. 

So... why all the fear?

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